Float safety glass

The combination of lamination and tempering provides effective protection and durability


Safety glass refers to glass structures that protect people and property from outside parties and reduce the risk of injury to people in accidents. Safety glass is glass made either by lamination, tempering or a combination of these methods. Safety glasses are used e.g. in sites where ordinary glass does not provide the necessary protection against vandalism, break-ins, the risk of a person falling, or other similar external threats.


Tambest Oy’s products are always manufactured from the highest quality raw materials, and we only use tested products from established suppliers.

Safety glasses protect people or property from outside parties and reduce the risk of injury in accidents and incidents. Building regulations and the safety instructions and requirements of insurance companies often set minimum requirements for the use of safety glass.

Float safety glasses are tested according to standard EN 12600. Evaluation and monitoring during production is carried out according to the product standard EN 14449.

Tempered glass
laminated glass
tempered and laminated glass
lamination line

tempered glass

In Tambest Oy’s tempering process, the glass is heated in two stages, so that the optics of the glass remain excellent even in coated glasses. We use the HTF PRO-E-CC tempering furnace as our flat glass tempering machine, where the maximum glass size is 2,400 x 4,500 mm. Thanks to the machine’s advanced preheating oven, the optical properties of the glass remain almost unchanged even in large glass sizes. The importance of optical stability is emphasised above all in large mirroring glass surfaces.

The strength of tempered safety glass is based on the thermal/blow treatment applied to the glass. The strength of tempered glass is increased approximately from three- to five-fold compared with untreated glass. The safety characteristics of tempered glass are emphasised also when the glass breaks, in which case it breaks into small fragments without causing bigger wounds when coming into contact with the skin.

Almost all types of glass can be tempered. Due to its better durability and safety, tempered safety glass is used in sites where large glass surfaces, concealed fasteners, and structures without frames and casings are used.



laminated glass

The safety features of laminated glass are based on the elastic PVB, EVA or harder SENTRY film between the glasses, which holds the broken pieces of glass together – the laminated glass pane stays in the frames, penetration is prevented and the risk of accidents is significantly reduced. Lamination does not affect the optical properties of the glasses.

In addition to personal safety, laminated glass is used in sites where protection against e.g. burglary or other external threats is needed. In these cases, multilayer glasses with thick PVB films are used.


tempered and laminated glass

Tambest Oy’s modern tempered and laminated safety glass production lines and our versatile range of glass and films support the production of laminated tempered safety glass. The maximum size of laminated tempered glass is 2,400 x 4,500 mm. The HTF PRO-E-CC tempering furnace equipped with a preheating furnace is used as the tempering machine.

It is also possible to get laminated safety glasses as tempered laminated. The laminated tempered safety glass resulting from the cooperation of our lamination and tempering lines is the nobility of safety glasses in terms of its installability and optics.

By combining two types of safety glass, the mechanical resistance and tolerance of temperature differences of tempered safety glass and the shard-binding property and burglar resistance of laminated safety glass are achieved at the same time.



Cut to size laminated glass

Laminated glass is cut from a 6,000 x 3,210 mm jumbo plate, which consists of one or more PVB interlayer film layers between two glass plates. Based on the intended use of the glass, the quantity and thickness of different glass sheets or films can be chosen, which means that you can choose the required and safe product with the right characteristics.

Tambest Oy’s factory has a cutting line and a warehouse, where we store standard-quality finished laminates in different thicknesses and with different film types. In 2023, a combi-cutting line specially designed for cutting finished laminate was installed to serve the growing utilisation of the product.

lamination line

Tambest Oy’s factory has a SENTRY, EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate) and PVB (polyvinyl butyral) cleanroom line with two autoclaves, which enable e.g. PDLC (polymer-dispersed liquid crystal) smart glasses, tinted glasses according to the Vanceva colour system, sound insulating glasses, Sentry film glasses, float and curved bullet and burglar-proof glasses and various combinations with polycarbonate.

Laminated glass consists of glass and interlayer film layers, which can be used to produce many types of laminated glass products.


Sound insulation lamination

Sound insulation is achieved by using laminated glasses of different thicknesses and films of different strengths and types. Sound insulation (Rw) is expressed in decibels (dB).

As the name suggests, sound insulating glass is used to improve the site’s sound insulation. Laminated safety glass always insulates some sound, but its effectiveness can be improved by using a thicker PVB or sound insulation film (sound control) and/or thicker glasses.


The table below clarifies the sound insulation of the foil in question in relation with a standard foil with regard to most commonly used structures.

Sentry and Sentry plus

The SentryGlass lamination film, which is stronger than the usual PVB film, is used in sites where extreme safety properties are required from the laminated safety glass, but at the same time the lightness of the glass structure is to be maintained. If there is a risk of falling from a height, several glass and Sentry layers are placed on top of each other. In this case, safe and load-resistant structures can be constructed e.g. for walking platforms.

SentryGlass laminating film is approximately 100 times stiffer and about five times more durable than standard laminating film. Thanks to these properties, even broken glass retains its shape.


If necessary, you can get a bending certificate for the ordered glasses, e.g. for railing glasses, when the site’s requirements are known.


PDLC smart glass (polymer-dispersed liquid crystal) can be controlled like any electrical device and its applications can be e.g. hotels, hospitals, offices, schools and facilities where, depending on the situation, you want to choose the transparency or opacity of the glass. Our production enables flat and curved smart glasses.

PDLC film is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. The certification of the outdoor product of the manufacturer we use guarantees a technical solution designed for effective and reliable protection against unfavourable weather conditions or solar radiation. This product has the UNE-EN ISO certification, which ensures that it satisfactorily meets the safety standards: radiation, humidity, high temperature.

  • RADIATION TEST UNE-EN ISO 12543-4:2011
  • HUMIDITY UNE-EN 12543-4:2011
  • HIGH TEMPERATURE UNE-EN 12543-4:2011
  • Compatibility test silicones

Coloured films and other special laminations

Coloured glasses are used to bring visual attractiveness to the construction site. When searching for a particular hue, coloured films, glasses or combinations of these can be used. Thanks to our wide range of colour film and glass, we are able to offer plenty of different colour options. We use the colours of the Vanceva colour system.

The technology we use also enables the use of special laminations between glasses, veneers, fabrics, steel wire meshes and other special materials.
